Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year's Eve

Well it's New Years Eve!! Hope everyone is going out to have a great night!

I should differ between me and Derek somehow so im Derek C and my boyf is Derek S

So We're off to our friends New Years party and we decided to bring some treats along with us!

I decided to make cookies! So ive made Chocolate Mud Cookies! This was not my own recipe but i have tweeked it a bit! The recipe is very simple and worked the 1st night i made them last week so ive decided to give them a go again!

The Ingredients are as follows:
200g of Milk Chocolate.
100g White Chocolate.
125g of Unsalted butter, softened.
185g of soft brown sugar.
1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract.
1 Egg.
185g of Plain (all purpose) Flower.
40g Cocoa Powder.

These are easy to make and you will need a few extra things as well:
Electric Mixer (even though you could mix by hand if you wanted it would just take longer)
Large Mixing Bowl
Food Processor (Or a Cheese Grater)
Baking Paper
Baking Tray

So Firstly Get all that milk chocolate and put it in the food processor and pulse until it is finely chopped.
Now i don't actually have a food processor so i decided randomly to use a cheese grater and i just grated all the chocolate works perfectly just takes a while!  Once its done leave in the fridge so it doesnt melt.

Chop up the White Choc into small chunks. Leave aside.

Preheat your oven to 180c

Next Cream the butter, sugar and the vanilla in your large mixing bowl using an electric mixer. If you dont have an electric mixer guess your gonna have to put a bit more elbow grease in and mix it by hand. Keep Mixing until its pale and fluffy.

Next step is to add in the egg mix again until its fully combined, Then Sift in the Flour and Cocoa and add the Chopped/Grated Milk Choc and the white choc chunks.

Now Make sure your hands are nice and Clean so give them a good wash!!! Your gonna get your hands into that mixture and mix everything together until it forms a soft dough.

Shape the Dough into balls and flatten, the flattened dough should be about the diameter of a 2 euro coin but about 1inch in thickness. Place onto the baking paper on your baking tray. Leave about a 2inch gap between each dough ball and then go ahead and pop it into your oven for 10 Minutes or until fully cooked. The cookies should be still slightly soft when cooked.

After you take them out of the oven slide the baking paper onto a wire rack and leave to cool. Place another sheet of baking paper on your tray and make some more dough balls and bake again!!!!

The whole mixture usually makes between 28-34 cookies. It all Depends on what size you make them!!!

Well i have attached a picture which isn't the best quality!! But that's the best i could do with my phone haha!!! Anyways they are yummy yummy!!! Soft with a little bit of a crunch around the edge and a big chocolate flavour!!!

Hope you enjoyed and sure go on give urself a treat and make these cookies!!!

The Dereks

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