Monday 16 January 2012

M&M Cookies and Tennis!!!! Great Combo :P

Well last night the Australian Open started! For those of you who don't know im a HUGE tennis fan and the Australian Open is one out of Four Major Tournaments in the Tennis Calender!! So myself and my two friends went over to one of their houses and we decided to watch the tennis together... got proper dedicated in that we had 3 matches going on our laptops and the tv... obsessed much?? eh YEAH!!!!! Now as the tennis is in Australia and we're in Ireland the tennis was on live at midnight for us, so i decided that we'd need some sugary goodness to keep us awake and this is where M&M cookies came from!! Now i know these have been done before and i'm not the first person in the world to do them but it was my first time to make them. So heres how to give them a go!

130g Unsalted Butter
200g Soft Brown Sugar
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1 Egg
1 Tablespoon Milk
210g Plain Flour
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
150g M&Ms (I used the crispy M&Ms)

Large Mixing Bowl
Electric Mixers
Mixing Spoon (i use a rubber one)
Baking Paper
Baking Tray

How to Make:
Preheat your oven to 180c, Line your Baking Tray with your baking paper.

Cream the butter and sugar together until fully combined... Takes a while keep going at it, It will kind of form together into balls first then it all gradually joins together.

Next add in your Vanilla and your egg and mix again until fully combined add in the milk and stir with your mixing spoon to combine.

Sift in the Flour and Baking Powder.

With the M&Ms i put in half of the bag full and then i crushed the other half of the bag and put them in.

Mix together with your mixing spoon (as i said i use a rubber one a wooden on is fine) this will take some time, just be patient the dough will come together.

Shape Tablespoons of the dough into balls, place on your baking paper. This should make between 15-20 cookies depending on how big you make them. Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes or until lightly golden around the edges.

Once done allow to cool for a minute or two an then transfer onto a wire rack.

Thats it!!!!! Now i forgot to take a picture :( i was just waaaay to busy eating them) I'll make sure i put up a photo when i make them again

For now these are pics i found on google!!! This is similar to how the dough looked >>>>i

And this is similar to how the cookies looked >>>>>>

Those are not my pics though!!!

Anyways give them a go! They're so tasty and wernt to hard to make!!

Gimme a shout if you feel ive left anything out in this blog or if youve any questions or feedback for me.

The Dereks

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